Curve Shapes - Blender Addon/Extension
Curve Shapes
Curve Shapes is a Blender extension that allows you to manipulate geometry with curves.
Create clean topology using Bezier and Poly curves.
Use your curves to control the generated mesh in real time.
It can be used to easily create organic armature, muscles or anything you can think of.
Curve Shapes - Version 3.0.0
- Extension format for Blender 4.2 allowing drag and drop installation
- Contextual Pie Menu
- Contextual N Panel
- Optional interpolation between splines
- Easy access to created geometry Bevel Weights and Creases
- Project operation for compatibility with Multires Modifier
- Live update of generated geometry while editing curves
- And more
Checkout updates, tutorials and more in the documentation site for versions 3.0 and over.
! This addon name was recently changed from [Add Curve Shape] to [Curve Shapes]
Versions 1 and 2 still maintain the [Add Curve Shape] name but from version 3 onwards the addon and extension name becomes [Curve Shapes]
Add Curve Shape - Version 2.0.0
- Blender Version: 3.1 or greater
- Introduces Dynamic loop adjustments using the mouse wheel as well as other useful options.
Version 2.0.1
- New intersect option for the boolean join operation.
- Added all the preferences to the Sculpt tool panel for ease of access.
Version 2.0.1 Also adds all the preferences to the Sculpt tool panel for ease of access.
Version 2.1.0
- Adds a separate mesh option, bug fixes and improvements.
Version 2.1.1
- Single curves are triangulated by default (Pressing F once, the newly displayed geometry will create an NGON, use Ctrl+T after to triangulate again)
- The Mirror modifier is now based on the current symmetry settings being used
- This operation is a modal operator winch as always caused issues in Blender Undo history when using many operations, in this version undo has been improved reducing bugs and possible crashes but multiple (around 3) undo steps are still needed
Version 2.2.0
- Improved Undo Operation
Version 2.3.0
- Updated to Blender V.4.0.2
- Arrow keys can now be used to adjust topology
- Option to auto remesh using regular sculpt voxel remesh added
Version 2.3.1
- You can now use the scroll wheel to zoom in/out in multiple curve operations
To keep using the mouse wheel to change topology use:
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to change U resolution
Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel to change V resolution
- Pressing Enter without adding a curve will allow you to simply add custom geometry in edit mode
- Fixed Blender Crash when undoing a auto Voxel Remesh operation
Add Curve Shape - Version 1.0.0 (Free)
- Blender Version: 3.1 or greater
- Version 1 is available for free and its a simplified version using NGons and join operation.
Follow the development of this extension @ Twitch | Discord | YouTube | Github